
Git How to Fix “error: src refspec master does not match any”

Did you try to push changes to master with the following? But received an error that says: The most common reason for this is that “master” isn’t called “master” anymore. To fix the issue, replace “master” with “main“. Didn’t help? This is a comprehensive guide to fixing the “error: src refspec master does not match

Git How to Fix “error: src refspec master does not match any” Read More »

‘git pull’ vs ‘git fetch’ — What’s the Difference (with Examples)

When doing version control in Git, you will frequently use the commands git pull and git fetch. Understanding the difference between these two commands is important and useful for the future. In short, git pull is just a combination of git fetch + git merge. This is a comprehensive guide to understanding the differences between

‘git pull’ vs ‘git fetch’ — What’s the Difference (with Examples) Read More »

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